Year 6 - The Disappearing Bowl!!
Lesson: Science
Class: Year 6 Year: 2014 - 2015
Year 6 have been investigating 'Light' in Science. We have studied how light travels in straight lines and set up investigations to prove this. This week we looked at how light reflects and refracts. We studied our reflections in concave and convex surfaces. We were amazed to see that in a concave spoon our image starts upside down but as you move closer the image inverts and becomes the right way round.
We then looked at refraction and how a pencil appears to change direction in a glass of water. We made a pyrex bowl 'disappear' in a bowl of vegetable oil - this is due to the speed at which light refracts through different materials. When they make light refract at the same speed you get this 'invisibility' effect.