Artist in Residence

We were delighted to have the opportunity to work with Twigtwisters across a two day project focused on developing our knowledge and skill at working in 3d whilst also bringing our school ethos to life.


We considered what we wanted to represent and settled on our strapline 'Roots of happiness, branches to learning'.


Children from across the school collaborated with our Y6 pupils to create two willow children and items representing learning which will hang from branches at the front of the school.


We knew very little about willow weaving when we began the project and this helped us not only to work on shape and form but also to develop resilience as it wasn't an easy media to work with!

Sarah from Twigtwister gave us some super feedback, commenting on Twitter, "I had a wonderful time working with all the children and staff. What a super school."


We are delighted with the work and can't wait to see it installed at the front of our school. Below are some of the images recording the children undertaking the project.

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