Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mr Yearsley
Deputy Head Teacher
Mrs Dews
In Year 6 it is a very busy year but our children still have loads of fun. They work in lots of different ways.
Personal Development:
Year 6 is about growing as a person as well as growing in knowledge. Year 6 children take on a lot more responsibility - helping around the school and taking on the important role of mentoring younger children. Our Y6 children are trained by Barnardo's to be Peer Mentors. This way, they know exactly how to help our younger children.
There are opportunities for our Y6 children to be buddies, monitors, child governors, librarians and even part of a school curriculum team.
Learning environment and curriculum:
The learning environment is important to us. We develop it to help us with our learning.
The curriculum has been very carefully planned, with sequences of lessons following on and linking to previous learning in order that the children make relevant connections and that learning is transferred to long term memory.
The children use online learning such as 'Lexia' and ILearn2 which provide focused, quality learning opportunities at the appropraite level for their learning needs.
Mr. Yearsley and Mrs Dews work very closely together to ensure all work is matched to the abilities of the children in the class.
There are so many things to remember and remembering is the key to making progress. The following link will take you to a website where you will find games to increase working memory It's a great resources for everyone to use.
You may also want to look at some of the other important things we need to remember at the end of our journey in Garswood and before we move onto high school. Click on the highlighted words above and also try this link too.