Promoting Equality and Diversity in our School and 'No Outsiders'
We ensure that equality and diversity are embedded in our curriculum through our intent and implementation. Our curriculum ensures that our climate for learning; curriculum planning and delivery; learning experiences and assessment practices proactively eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations in a manner that values, preserves and responds to diversity.
Our approach to inclusive practice, teaching methods and assessments, do not place children at a disadvantage. All pupils are exposed to a wide range of opportunities to expand their knowledge and understanding of many different cultures and identities in a manner appropriate to the subject being taught.
Our curriculum planning provides content that introduces children to multiple perspectives integrating themes of equality, diversity and cultural relativity into our subject and wider delivery. We enable learning experiences in which children are able to reflect on their own identities, biases, and backgrounds and how these impact on their learning and life experiences. When planning our curriculum and teaching experiences we evaluate our delivery to be mindful of unconscious bias in content, delivery or assessment practices reflecting upon how this may influence learning and teaching.
Garswood’s inclusive culture promotes belonging and engagement establishing a learning environment in which all children can feel they belong and are valued. Our teaching practices and curriculum provide the opportunity for all pupils to reach their potential and to experience success in education and later life. We identify and actively plan to overcome barriers that prevent pupils from diverse backgrounds from learning ensuring that no child is automatically disadvantaged.
Our inclusive curriculum is designed to support our pupils' access ensuring they all have the opportunity to be engaged and actively participate to learn well. We aim to empower children to take responsibility for their own, and each other’s, learning providing opportunities for them to act as partners in their collaborative learning journey.
What have we done to ensure this:
- Reviewed all areas of curriculum to ensure we have a wide selection of diverse experts in each field, eg historians, geographers, scientists, musicians, artist etc...
- Reviewed all reading corners and library as well as creating book challenges. Audited all books acorss the school to ensure a wide selection of books representing diversity. Purchased new books where it was seen to be lacking.
- Ensure a diverse selection of visitors come to school to promote and ensure we are always looking for opportunities for diversity
- Assemblies including different faiths and planned out visits to places of worship
- Black history month in October is covered through assemblies and class curriculum.
- Inter faith week in November and SACRE offering cpd to staff in a range of religions
Preparing children for life in modern Britain
At our school there are no outsiders. Everyone is different. Everyone is equal.
The 'No Outsiders' programme educates children about diversity within our communities and addresses issues such as sexism, ageism, race and different types of families. It directly supports the Equality Act 2010 by discussing the 9 protected characteristics.
It is taught to each year group through the use of age-appropriate books.
Through these beautiful pictures books, the children explore the concepts of equality, diversity, acceptance of differences and of the right of someone to have an opinion different to their own.
More information
Books used from Reception to Y6 can be found in the images atttached below.
Click to find out more from the No Outsiders website.
How does No Outsiders fit into the curriculum?
The No Outsiders lessons fit alongside many of the things we already teach in school. They align with our core values of being kind, respectful and ambitious . They also link strongly with our relationships education lessons which are part of our RSHE lessons and our assemblies.
Frequently asked questions
What do I say when my child comes home and asks “how do two men have a baby?”
Lots of people have babies in different ways like fostering or adoption. They are still a family regardless of how the children arrive. They still love and look after their children the same as if they have given birth to a child.
Are primary children too young to be taught about gay and lesbian relationships?
We are choosing to teach our children to be respectful of all people. Whether this is sexual orientation, gender or the way we dress. Some children in our school grow up in same sex families and their families should be represented and accepted.
Are you teaching gay lessons?
We are teaching about equality and the values that are reflected by British law.
Can I remove my child from these lessons?
No. Relationship education is statutory. If you are worried about the content please talk to your child's class teacher, about your concerns.
My religion says it is wrong
We understand and respect your beliefs. We are teaching the children about the world around them and that gay and lesbian people exist. In Britain society is diverse and the children need to know that diversity exists, even if their religion disagrees with it.
Anti Racist Statement - At Garswood Primary School we stand united against racism, and in our support for anyone who experiences racism.
We will:
- Foster an anti-racist culture of understanding across our school and outline our Anti Racism and Equalities ambitions.
- Make clear where responsibility and accountability lie for eradicating racism in all its forms such as through recruitment advertising etc.
- Support an anti-racist curriculum that demonstrates equalities across our schools
- Construct systematic, anti-racist development practices.
- Record and respond effectively to racist incidents in whatever form
- Monitor and review organisational race data for example through census returns.