Shakespeare Week
Today heralded the start of our Garswood Shakespeare Week - recognising the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death in 1616 and celebrating the impact of his work on British heritage and culture.
The day began with an assembly on the life of times of William - with lots of contributions from our knowledgeable children. Well done to Lucy in Y4 and Ethan in Y6 for their facts! We also looked on a timeline to see where his life was in relation to other significant events - including the birth of Robert Burns (whilst tonight is Burns night!) and the Great Fire of London (recently studied in Y2).
Each of the classes are looking in more detail at Shakespeare: we even have the bard as a puppet to engage our younger children!
The classes are focusing on differenct texts as follows;
EYFS - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Y1 - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Y2 - A Winter's Tale
Y3 - The Twelfth Night
Y4 - Macbeth
Y5 - Macbeth
Y6 - Romeo and Juliet
On Tuesday we welcomed The Young Shakespeare Company to school to perform 'The Tempest' for all of our junior children. The children were captivated by the play and engaged with it wholeheartedly as you cen see from the photographs. They did have a lot be engage with as the experience was completely interactive.
Children have commented how wonderful the afternoon was and the staff from the company were so friendly and extremely professional. An experience not to forget.
Wednesday it was the turn of the infants to become immersed in Shakespearian England. Living History came to school with full Elizabethan costumes (for children and staff!) and the children had the opportunity to learn dances and experience the entertainment from the era. It was a super day and much enjoyed by all!
Thursday has seen drama workshops from Reception class all the way to Year 6. With each taking aspects of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' and culminating in a performance at the end of the school day when the whole narrative pulled together. The children have been amazing and we have seen some wonderful acting skills!
MVI_0028 from gill wainwright on Vimeo.
MVI_0034 from gill wainwright on Vimeo.
MIdsummer NIght's Dream from gill wainwright on Vimeo.