National Skipping Day

Lesson: Learning Outside the Classroom

Class: Old Foundation Stage Year: 2015 - 2016

For National Skipping Day this year we kick started the week with a workshop for some of our year 4/5 activity leaders where they learned different skipping skills and tricks. They then performed these to the rest of the school in an assembly to pass on their new knowledge. Over the rest of the week the children were regularly seen skipping on the playground and encouraging others to try new tricks. On the Friday we all took part in National Skipping Day where every child in the school skipped at some point, using either single skipping ropes or groups skipping ropes and practicing the tricks that had been demonstrated to them. The school council then picked winners out of nominees for best skipper, best team work and best perseverance. It has had a great impact on the children, their enthusiasm for a traditional playground game and their courage to try new things.

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