
Class: Old Foundation Stage Year: 2015 - 2016

We are enjoying fantastic hands on learning in Reception this half term. We have been taking care of our class caterpillars and watching their amazing transformation. We have been hunting for caterpillars, making observation diaries, writing stories, facts and making labeled lifecycles. We will add more photographs and keep you updated. See caterpillar cam showing the caterpillars beginning to form their chrysalides. 

The caterpillars changed into butterflies and we continued to care for them by feeding them fruit, flowers and sugar water. To celebrate their release we had an 'Ugly Bug Ball'. We prepared a puppet show performance of the 'Creepy Crawly Calypso'. We made posters to advertise the event and we designed our puppets and costumes. See the video of our performance on this site!

At the 'Ugly Bug Ball' we wrote a farewell rap and sang it with  help from Mrs Bagshaw's piano accordion and a "boom boom flutter flutter" beat.  Mrs Bagshaw was just like the butterflies in the 'Creepy Crawly Calypso' playing their accordions! We  played bug games and had a  'Hungry Caterpillar' picnic on the school field. What a lovely way to finish the half term. 


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