Coronavirus information

Dear Parents,

I wish to update you on the schools responses to COVID 19. The advice from the DFE and Public Health England remains on good hygiene and taking sensible precautions. We have spoken with the children about handwashing and have increased handwashing in school.

Advice remains that schools should stay open at this stage, unless told otherwise by Public Health England. 

We have a risk assessment in place and have been working on contingency plans for any eventuality that may arise and will obviously inform you of any changes as and when they occur. In the interim, if we were to close, we would be using our e-mail system and some of our electronic learning platforms (RM maths, TT Rockstars etc). Please can you inform us if you anticipate any difficulties with this. For instance, if you require passwords for your child to access one of these systems from home. During any closure, contact will be made via Teachers2Parents so please ensure your contact details for telephone and email are up to date.

Though we continue to clean the school and monitor handwashing, some additional hygiene precautions that we are initiating from Monday are;

  • For the time being, we will no longer be offering toast at snack time. For Y1 upwards we ask you send in a healthy snack with your child. Please do NOT send nut products.
  • Reception and nursery children will be closely supervised at their snack times and there will be no buffet style system to reduce hand contact with food.
  • Additional cleaning is also now taking place (handrails and handles in particular)

Please do not send your child into school if they have a high temperature and a new and continuous cough. Schools are unable to advise you as to whether you should keep your child at home. Please follow the latest NHS advice.

Please see the link below for updated government guidance;

Above all, the health and welfare of the pupils, staff and families remains our upmost priority and we will endeavour to keep you informed of any changes to the current situation.

Kind regards.

Pamela Potter


Further information regarding our response to Coronavirus can be found on the Parents tab section of the website.

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