Celebration Assembly

Today was a lovely opportunity to celebrate achievements at our school - in our final end of year Celebration Assembly.


We took the chance to celebrate those children dedicated to attending school every single session across the school year. Our 100% attenders were awarded a certificate and proudly enjoyed the recongition for this achievement. What a lots of smiles - and it's no wonder we are delighted that they have attended every single day because who wouldn't want to see those smiles every day!


In addition we also went on to celebrate the children who gained the citizen of the year in their class. The teachers talked of showing kindness, respect, thoughfulness, being inclusive, going above and beyond. It had been a tricky job choosing from our wonderful children but those taking the award were certainly well deserving.


In addition we celebrated the unsung heroes - volunteers that come into school to work tirelessly behind the scenes keeping the cogs turning. It was lovely to have so many attend and recieve a small token of our appreciation.


Finally, it was time to say a thank you to our wonderful staff. We are lucky at Garswood to have such a dedicated team who work extremely hard for the good of the children.


Today was a chance to be thankful.



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