Amazing results

We have now recieved the results of the end of year examinations and are so proud to share them with you.

100% of children achieved 2 levels progress in reading, writing and 97% in maths - a fabulous accolade. A significant number exceeded the expected level of progress making more than 2 levels.

The levels attained in summary are as follows;


Level 4: 100%         Level 5: 88%         Level 6: 3%


Level 4: 100%         Level 5: 56%         Level 6: 18%

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Level 4: 100%          Level 5: 88%         Level 6: 12%

Writing (Teacher assessed)

Level 4: 97%          Level 5: 68%           Level 6: 6%

Level 5 signifies children working beyond the expected level for their age. Level 6 is working well beyond the expected level.


The children have performed well above the national averages. I am extremely proud of each and every one of them. This is testament to the hard work, effort and energy that the children have put into their education with the support from their families, and a tribute to the fantastic staff who work with our children. Thank you for your support for the school and to the marvellous staff who work so hard. Across the school levels of attainment are extremely high. The support, care and guidance given to the children, and the dedication shown by the staff and Governors, makes Garswood a great place to be!


I also want to celebrate the wonderful Year 6 performance – ‘Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies’. It was marvellous! I cannot find the words to adequately describe how proud I am of the children. It was a play full of fun but also especially tear-jerking. I do hope that if your were able to come along that you also had a wonderful evening; revelled in the children’s talents, shared in the jokes and enjoyed the tasty stew that was served too! 


I hope Year 6 enjoyed their prom – thank you for the kind comments on Twitter. Everyone certainly appeared to enjoy themselves. The Year 6 final assembly was held on Friday 17th July at 9.30am and we were delighted to welcome families to join us to celebrate this important transition in their lives. Congratulations to all children for all you have achieved. It has been a very special year and one none of us will ever forget.

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