Our Gallery

St Helens Open Art Competition , by Miss Jenkinson

World Book Day, by Mrs Cripps

Pancake Day Fun, by Mrs Cripps

Pancake fractions, by Mrs Hattersley

visit to the mosque, by Mrs Hattersley

Young Voices, by Mrs Wainwright

Dewa Romans Chester , by Miss Turner

Y4 Romans Assembly , by Miss Turner

A visit from the owls, by Mrs Meehan

Explorer Day!, by Mrs Meehan

Pigs, Pigs Everywhere!, by Mrs Cripps

Chinese New Year, by Mrs Cripps

Harry Potter Book Night, by Mrs Potter

African food tasting, by Mrs Hattersley

Footprints in the Snow, by Mrs Bagshaw

Frosty Fun, by Mrs Cripps

Fun in the snow, by Mrs Hattersley

Mathematical Magic, by Mrs Bagshaw

Mega Maths, by Mrs Meehan

Fit 4 Life, by Mrs Meehan

Owl pellet dissection, by Mrs Hattersley

Y3 Stone Age WOW day , by Miss Jenkinson

Y3's Christmas party & toy day, by Miss Jenkinson

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