Ethos, values and online prospectus

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Garswood School....... All schools are not the same.

Each school has its own special set of values, people and things that it wants to do. When choosing a school for your children you will take many things into consideration. In this Prospectus we hope to give you not only some basic information, but also a snapshot of life here at Garswood Primary School.

It is very difficult to tell the story of a school on paper. To really appreciate Garswood you need to experience it first hand. I would, therefore, like to extend an invitation to you to visit this school, to look closely at what we do and how and why we do it and to ask all the questions you have in mind.

I lead a team committed to offering the children in our care every opportunity to succeed in all they do. Together with parents and children, we share a wonderfully equipped school. We have everything we need including excellent resources; enthusiastic children; supportive parents; a dedicated teaching staff; quality governors and a long tradition of achievement.

All this has come together to produce a caring, sharing place where children can grow in every way.

Our three main aims at school are to:

Be kind, be ambitious, be respectful

Children and staff refer to these regularly and celebrate actions which demonstrate these aims.

Because at Garswood we all strive to be kind, be ambitious and be respectful. In doing this we find it creates a happy community and children can leave our school with great memories; having developed into happy, caring, well rounded individuals.  We want children to feel empowered to change the world for the better.  We aim for children to be inspired to take from life all the positives and achieve the very best. We want their dreams to come true.

This is captured in our ethos  'Roots of happiness, branches to learning."

As you can imagine we are very proud of our school.

I hope that this Virtual tour helps you in your decision to choose the best school for your child.

Please do contact school should you need any further information.

Yours sincerely

Pamela Potter

Head Teacher


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