Super start

Welcome to Garswood.

It has been a wonderful start to the school year.

We've reminded ourselves of the three key aims we have at our school to - be kind, be ambitious and be respectful. This is showing itself around the school as we restart some of our usual routines and activities. For example, our new Y6 children have taken on their buddying roles. They've done so with such amazing kindness and are a welcome addition to the classes. School Council have been voted in and have passionately embraced their mission to continue to improve our school. They've been ambitious and active in re-establishing our playground sheds and setting rules and expectations. Eco-council have some wonderful plans. They've already launched their recycling pledge and reminded us all about respecting not just each other but the place in which we live and grow. They also have an exciting idea about the fruit in the school orchard. Watch this space (or rather - watch out at the top of the path as they may be selling some produce soon!).

We've seen the curriculum re-start with exciting and interesting opportunities to learn, always building on what the children already know. I've been around to the classes, chatted to the children and looked at their books. It's wonderful to see and hear that the children are remembering their learning, assimilating new knowledge and developing ideas about bigger concepts. We've also seen children enhancing their experiences already with trips and visits. Y4 have had a fabulous physical education residential trip to PGL. They've not just built strength and fitness but also shown resilience and bravery in a range of activities, from archery and raft building to possum-gliding and zip wires!

We have re-launched our extra curricular clubs. There is a whole array on offer - book club; cookery; multisports; guitar; recorder; brass; choir; traditional Morris dancing;  musical theatre; coding; rugby; netball and a very popular Lego club. Garsmart is opening again soon too! How exciting!

We have welcomed our new nursery and new Reception children to school. A brilliant first step on their learning journey at Garswood Primary. They've been wonderful. What amazing experiences they have had, and will continue to have, in Early Years - the staff are providing carefully crafted activities which will be the foundations for their future learning.

Finally, we've welcomed our parents and families to our 'Curriculum, coffee and cake' meetings. I hope you were able to make it. If not then please contact us and we can provide you with any information so you can catch up. The pace at which we work is sometimes significant. We have so much we want to do and want you to come along on this exciting journey with us. 

On that note, please follow us on Twitter @GarswoodPrimary It's here where you will see so much of what we do and you can enjoy sharing in the exciting learning journey.  

It's been a super start and it's only the beginning. Hold on to your hats!

Pamela Potter


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