Child Governors

A credit to the school as ever our Child Governors met this afternoon and evening. Both committees - one focusing on health and safety matters and the latter on teaching and learning - contibuted effectively to the full agenda and made effetcive suggestions as to how to move the school forward.


Most impressive is the children's willingness to make suggestions and take a proactive approach. For instance - on our agenda was school attendance and how we can improve attendance figures at the school. The children are keen to spread the word of the impact of holidays during term time and want to write to parents to express their concerns. Watch out for the letter coming soon!


It was also superb to hear the children's evaluation of the recent initiatives. Two years ago Child Governors voted unanimously to undertake a London school trip. Having representatives from Y6 on the committee the group evaluated the success of the London visit which finally took place last week. There was resounding positivity and the committee are recommending that this visit now is offered each year for Y6 pupils. What a great outcome!


The committee also discussed the impact of the school's involvement in The Real Junk Food Project - part of the School Improvement Plan this year. Again, it was excellent to hear how proudly the children discussed the impact of their work and how they believed they could continue to make a difference - reduce landfill and #feedbelliesnotbins. This is another project that the committee wish the school to continue to be involved with and will make a recommendation to the Full Governors to this effect.

Finally, the children reported the positive impact of the Daily Mile - reporting increased concentration and improved fitness since the school has introduced it. 

It's super to have such informative child voice to support the decision making process for the adult Governors. Well done children!

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